Friday, March 23, 2012

Be A Better Parent By Developing These Parenting Skills

Some people believe parenting should come naturally, and that it's an instinct we're born with. This might be true to a certain extent but we live in a complicated world and once in a while we need to learn new skills and the same is true for parenting. Sometimes the things that come naturally to us are great but most of the time we're doing nothing more than repeating the same mistakes our own parents made while raising us. So it is a good idea to look at your own style of parenting as objectively as you can and try to figure out whether or not some changes need to be made.

We've all heard that it is a good idea to praise children but it is important to watch how you actually do this. Some parents simply don't praise their kids enough but others do so in a way that is just not helpful. To use one example, the best thing is to praise kids for something they've worked hard at more so than something they do not have any control over. When a child has natural smarts, athleticism or attractiveness, constantly praising them for this could be a bad thing because it might cause them to be come vain or arrogant. On the other hand, praising your child for studying hard in school, working hard to be a better athlete, etc is simply offering encouragement to do their best.

Every single parent is going to feel frustrated, mad or even just overwhelmed sometimes. Take a break when you feel this way. You need to put some provisions in place so that you have options for childcare when you need a little breather. This can be your partner, a friend or relative or even a trusted babysitter. Make your list as long as possible so that if someone is busy you have someone else to call. Even if you're not at your breaking point yet, it is important to take time for yourself sometimes. Sometimes you don't need a lot of time; even a fifteen minute walk around the block can give you a new perspective. You will be a far better parent when you regularly take time for yourself and don't make yourself focus on being perfect all of the time.

It is hard for a lot of parents to deny their children the things that they want. Learning how to say "no" in a way that is both kind and firm is a skill that will help you and your children tremendously. Kids need to be told, as often as possible, why them not getting everything they want is for the best. If they eat too much ice cream, for example, they're likely to get sick or they'll eventually become overweight. Even if your son or daughter doesn't seem to understand your explanation (or care about it) it is still sinking in so it is worth repeating. In cases like these, especially if your children keep asking, it is important to be as persistent and patient as possible. There are so many parenting skills that will make your life easier and help you teach your kids important life lessons at the same time. It is important, of course, to find a way to apply these skills that is congruent with your child's age and personality too. You and your children, obviously, are human and mistakes are going to be made but everyone has the capability to learn and grow both from mistakes as well as successes.

Johny has been writing articles online for nearly 4 years now. Not only does he specialize in Parenting Skills related issues, you can also check out his latest websites on, botox injections cost and botox side effects.

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