Monday, April 9, 2012

Enriching Your Life With The Attitude Of Gratitude

An attitude of gratitude? Many people believe it manifests itself through some unbelievable stroke of luck. We cannot deny that having a nice automobile, a lot of wonderful friends, a large house and all that is great to have, but that isn't enough. Living the good life and enjoying it is really about states of mind. In specific, developing the attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude - What Is It?

Your life is better when you feel blessed, when you can look around and say "Thank you, God," or "Thank you universe." It doesn't matter what your religious affiliation is, really - as long as you believe in a Higher Power, your life is greatly enriched. Isn't it much better to live recalling the purity of childhood and imagine every day is Christmas day?

Getting what we want - isn't this what most people associate gratitude with? Indeed, there are a lot of individuals who see themselves being thankful only when they have all that they want - money, power, red sports car, etc. But then again there are a lot of rich people who live unhappy, miserable and ungrateful lives. We also know that there are poor people full of gratitude for what little they have, so where does this feeling come from?

The Human Gratitude Factory

An attitude of gratitude arises from how you look at things. It is the natural feeling that comes when you recognize the real value of the people and things in your life. Take the first step to living the good life and seeing it as rosy by focusing on the positive, vibey side of things. The recipe in making a hearty helping of gratitude is aided with the ingredients of self-encouragement and learning.

First things first - wake up and smell the coffee. There are so many things to be thankful for - notice them and be thankful for them!

Now that you smell the coffee and realize how it is waking you up, make it a habit to be grateful. Do not misconstrue this with ignoring the bad things. Acknowledge the negatives and focus on the positives, consciously do so until it becomes part of your nature.

One tool you could utilize, or actually two tools, would be pen and paper - write down every good thing that happens to you on a day-to-day basis. I kept on at it until it became but natural for me to look at things positively. Take the analogy of the white car - a person would buy one, and find his/her subconscious being altered by the awareness of seeing an entire highway of white cars. Compare it to seeing the good in people and in other stimuli - if you keep on looking for it, you will see it more frequently around you.

Use the techniques above - the pen and paper thing and the white car analogy - and your mind will find itself better conditioned. Make it a habit, again, to see the world through rose-tinted glasses, and you will find yourself living an enriched life filled with blessings. You will have an attitude of gratitude.

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