Saturday, March 30, 2013

Live The Life You Love In 5 Basic Steps

Do you have a dream? Do you aspire to things and set goals you believe will lead you to the life you've always yearned for? Of course you do - to dream is to be human. But why let your dreams remain dreams, why don't you start living the life you love right now?

It's much easier to say that you'll do something rather than to actually do it. We make excuses, put off action, point the finger at others or blame our circumstances - unintentionally blocking the way to our dreams. Why do we do this? All because of fear. Fear is our greatest obstacle when it comes to going after our dreams.

But this has to stop. Today is all that you have. Today is the only guarantee, to start to use it and create the life you want to be living.

Remember these 5 basic steps, to help you better pursue your dreams.

1.Take Responsibility. You and you alone are responsible for your life. You're the sole creator of your reality; your every single thought, your emotions, your words and your energies are continually influencing and moulding the everyday reality you live.

Your opportunities and experiences are all a result of your doing or not doing. So, take no less than 100% responsibility for your life and the power that you have to change it.

2.Get Clear On What You Want. Without a destination, how can you ever know how to get there? Get absolutely clear on what you want. If you find it hard deciding what it is you want most, consider what you don't want - and use the opposite.

3.Ask For It. Once you know what it is that you want, the next natural step is to ask for it. The Law of Attraction teaches that the universe is continually providing us with what we ask, using our thoughts, words and energies as an indicator for what we want most (see - what is the law of attraction ).

4.Act 'As If'. You should act as a mirror for the universe, reflecting the energies, thoughts, words and emotions you want it to mirror back at you. The easiest way to achieve this, is to 'act as it' . Do you want to be wealthy but are still waiting on that pay cheque? Act as if you've already received it. Do you long to enjoy better health? Use health affirmations every morning; tell yourself how wonderful you feel (see - law of attraction weight loss success ) .

The better you feel in general, the more positive your energies - something that the universe will reflect back in your life, in greater quantities.

5.Believe In Yourself - But Most Importantly, Believe In The Universe. Finally, have faith in yourself and the universe to help you live the life you have always wanted. You are a limitless, powerful being - there are no ceilings on what is possible for your life.

To learn more about the Law of Attraction and how you can turn your dreams into a reality, see - free law of attraction books .

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