Sunday, December 9, 2012

Consider These 5 All-Important Questions Before You Transform Your Life

Have you been looking to transform your life for the better? Achieve your dreams and fulfil your ambitions ( see - law of attraction for your career success )? Perhaps become the person you have always hoped to be but never had the courage to become?

The majority of us at some time or another have no doubt told ourselves that we're in need of a life-style transformation. Having said that, the amount of people are able to say that they were able to commit to creating the new life they so desperately dreamed of? The reply is probably - not very many.

So many people fail at personal transformation, as they are quite simply too harsh on themselves and their abilities. They believe that their worth is valued by only their greatest failures and successes. Nonetheless, this black and white view is undoubtedly what hinders people's room for personal growth, breeding insecurity and blocking the path for positive change.

More important than success or failure, is feedback. It's not about judging to see how certain areas of your life measure up, it is about learning from these areas, to be the very best that they can be. Learning is the way forward, not failure or success.

Here are five questions to help you on your way to effective transformation:

1.What Can I Learn From My Life So Far?

If transformation is about learning, then what have you learnt from your life experiences up to now? For example, what things have worked well for you and what things not so much? What strengths have you discovered in yourself and what weaknesses?

Use the lessons life has delivered you so far to establish in what form transformation is needed for you.

2.Am I Ready To Take Absolute Responsibility For My Life?

This is your one and only life - you have to make it what you need it to be, right now. You need to learn to let go of excuses and put a stop to putting off for tomorrow what can be done today

Your life is yours to make what you can of it - reclaim responsibility of it.

3.What Are My Dreams?

To change your life and fulfil your dreams, you must first identify what your dreams are (see - how to use the law of attraction for health ). This can be a lot harder than it sounds, but it's a worthwhile pursuit if you wish to live a fulfilling, happy life.

4.How Can I Get One Step Closer To My Dreams?

You know what you want, so what next? Begin small; begin to take easy action on a daily basis that will assist to bring you closer to your dreams, taking greater and greater action as you get closer to what you want.

Remember - the journey should always be just as beautiful as the destination, so enjoy yourself on your journey to your dreams.

5.What Am I Truly Grateful For In My Life?

Appreciating everything you have today will assist to give you a tomorrow you can appreciate even more. When we take time to stop and be grateful for our current life, exactly as it is, we fill ourselves with greater positivity and joy - helping us to manifest our dreams.

For more information about the law of attraction, see - .

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